What You Should Know Before Searching Denise Nadine Design Hats by Period
Hat History:
Hat structures or foundations can serve many periods. The look of the hat can be changed depending on the choice of fabric and embellishment. Just as fashions come and go in our contemporary times, hats change as well. Certain hat styles appear and reappear throughout the centuries.
For example:
- The Gainsborough style spanned several centuries coming in and out of vogue.
- The Tricorn has come and gone many times.
- The Directoire (1760's) bonnet was also a Quaker bonnet and came back into fashion again in the 1880's.
Basic Foundation Shapes:
Some basic hat foundation shapes can be used for a variety of time periods as well. As an example, the Mrs. Bowerman pattern style can be used for the Eighteenth Century large hats, late 1890's, or the Edwardian era.
Use Your Imagination and Your Own Expertise!
That said, choose your hat style and let your imagination run wild! Decorate your new hat according to the period and style or just for fun. Some patterns may appear in several eras. You can also view all hat patterns and styles by foundation type by clicking here.
If you have additional suggestions, please let us know.


As a convenience to visitors, our hat designs have been sorted by suggested Period or Era (as per our research).
This enables visitors to quickly and easily search for a pattern or style in the era needed.
Click on the link below to
view all patterns & styles
available in that period.
Renaissance Era Hats(includes Elizabethan
Eighteenth Century
Hats (1700-1799)
Victorian Era Hats 1837-1901)
Edwardian Era Hats(1901-1910)
Titanic Hats (1912-1918ish)
Checkout the New Mini Top Hat!